Monday, July 05, 2010

Canada Day / Evans Birthday

Like many of you out there, we participated in the celebration on Canada Day.  Raymond is like the "bread and butter" for us, especially with the tradition of tossing candy.  What better than kids, candy and horse poop to make a day complete!
The fun part is the number of 1/4 Japanese kids running around.  I think that if you were add them all up, we'd have just over 2 Asians!  You've got our kids and my brothers as well as Clays 3 boys too.  Kind of fun seeing all the shades of nippon.
The celebration usually includes a gorging on beef, my dad the retired meat inspector never fails to amaze me with this steaks!  You can see the "pile" of steaks towards the end of the video..  Not as healthy as the Muffins at Liminal Me or the Ahi tuna steaks over on the West Coast, but Beef is really the "Fish of the Prairies".

Moo Moo Buckaroo


Ah, but I'm sure that the steak was much more affordable than the ahi - we had a meer 2 and a half steaks as compared to the veritable stack of cow on your Dad's BBQ. It was a good thing Jody wasn't there - what would have all the other people ate???