LOMAH - Land of Milk and Honey

Just living life here in the Promised Land, Southern Alberta. Where the Mountains meet the prairie in a stunning sunset, surrounded in fields of gold

Kayking - S Bend

An old picture, surfing the S Bend on the Red Deer River with Denali keeping a watchful eye. It was a perfect day, surrounded by perfect friends.

Family in Waterton

A summer hike with the family and Grandparents. It was a typical Waterton day with some wind and sun. Logan hiked the whole way in to Bertha Falls

Loves of my Life

The first two loves of my life together in one picture. I remember when they came into my life, making me whole.

Me in the Broken Group

I think this is my favourite picture from last year. We did a sea kayaking trip to the Broken Group and had 4 glorious days of sun. It was a capped off with the company of great friends.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Where's the Snow?

So last weekend, we decided to head to Waterton to play in the snow.  With nothing on the ground, we thought it would be fun to play in the white stuff and get some snowshoeing in too.
We packed up the boys and our niece and headed West.  The mountains looked like a fall day with what appeared like a dusting of snow on the peaks and upper slopes.  The townsite was mostly bare with snow hiding in the shady parts of the town.   A short drive later and we were at the Cameron trailhead. There was so little snow here, we felt we needed to head further in.  We finally decided on Rowe.

Funny how with kids, what normally takes 15 minutes, now takes 30 minutes.  As it turned out, we hiked for about a half hour and stopped to play.  I thought I would dig a snow fort, but after hitting dirt in less than 2 feet, I figured a change in plan was needed.  40 minutes later we had a cool tunnel that the kids could crawl through!  Time for a picture!  Oh wait, how come my pockets unzipped?

As you might be able to guess from the fact that I have pictures to post, I found the camera.  Much like a needle in a haystack, I found our camera in the snow.  No worse for wear, I even took a few more pictures.

It was a pretty awesome day with some fun sledding, building and snowball fighting.  We packed up and headed home with some tired kids and some tired parents.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Parallel Time Shift.

Just finished watching an episode of Doctor Who.   Yeah, I'm a geek, I confess.  Anyway, it dealt with the same person walking in the same spot, but at different times in their life.  Then I came across this picture while looking through some old photos.
It's a picture of my Grandfather in Venice.  It's a neat shot, but the best part is this.
How far away am I?  6 steps?  20?  I had no idea how close the two of us stood, years apart, on the other side of the globe.

Neat stuff.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Reading Club

This past year, I got myself a kobo ereader just before summer.  Then I thought I would start with a classic.  Moby Dick.  Painful!  So painful.  I'm sure there are many out there who thought it was fantastic, but for me it just about ended my reading agenda.
As luck would have it, our school instituted a 30min reading block each day.  It rescued my reading, giving me time to finish the book and a complete series, the Hunger Games.  That made 4 books this year!  I'm almost done Game of Thrones and also read a book you might have heard of.  Veracity.
If your unsure, it's Veracity by Mark Lavorato, a compelling story of a world post world wide disaster.  I should have read it sooner, but I only had a digital version and when I sat at my laptop.... well , I found other things to do.  With an ereader, your sort of limited on what you can do.

It was a great read and I highly recommend it.  I found towards the end that my heart was actually racing as I was concerned for the main character, something that I don't recall happening very often.  You can get yourself a copy of the book here.  It's a legit site and Lavorato has a link to a free copy on his website.

I also came across an interview with him about a new book that he is has published.
It's good to see him doing well and I'd love to chat with him too.  I need to see about getting a kobo version of his new book!

Monday, January 09, 2012

Christmas Activities

After Christmas, Dora and I had to get some house stuff finalized in Kalispell.  We packed up the boys and headed south for 4 days and 3 nights.  We booked a hotel with a pool for the boys, who enjoyed the swimming and hot tub.  I finalized some appliances and our kitchen cabinets.  After that, we had a nice treat for the boys.

Often we drive to Whitefish and pass a sign for Izaak Walton.  I knew they had xc skiing there, so I thought I would check them out on the web.  Turns out, they also have trains!

For a premium and two night minimum stay, you can stay in a train engine or a caboose.  We were able to book ourselves into the little blue caboose you see here.  It's a bit of a jaunt, but you get a sweet view and some quality isolation.  Well minus the trains.  You overlook a busy train yard, that while mostly quiet, has it's fair share of train activity.  Dora's dad probably would not like it, but the kids sure did!

With shovels, sled and snowshoes in tow, we headed to our room for the night.  It wasn't the largest of suites, but the upper bunk was pretty sweet.  I'm still trying to understand some of the old sign-age from inside.

The next day we built snowman, snowshoed and read curious george a few times to many.  It was a great stay and if you can find the cash, have kids who love thomas the train, I think you would enjoy your stay.  The restaurant in the main hotel had excellent food and as a side note, their fire alarm is in excellent working condition!

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years to all you out there, not living in LOMAH.  It's been a year of fewer postings (The count is actually 80 if you include the 24 posts on our other blog) and busy like I can't remember.

To sum up the year, there's been family stress, selling, moving, home construction, new job for Dora and numerous others.  We are hoping that the new year can bring some good news and less new.  We're actually hoping to settle into some normality this year.  The new house should be ready this spring and Dora will be finishing her first year at a new school with a new course load.

For resolution this year, I decided to jump out with 3, hoping that I stick to at least one.

1.  More exercise.  This is primarily supported by Judo I hope, with some weightlifting too.  Also number 2 should help.

2.  Waterton.  We live so close, yet this fall, we failed to deliver.  I want to make it a goal to get to Waterton at least once a month this spring.

3.  Friends.  Have'm.  Don't see'em.  Want to make a concious effort to visit with our local friends.  I was thinking dinner invites to be handed out once a month to refresh on news and kinship.

Well, you can judge the results I guess as the posts should show if I'm being successful or not this year.