Monday, July 16, 2007

Lost in the deep pit called "Home"

Well it's been like forever since our last posting. Schools out, summers here, heck we should have sooooo much time that it's just oozing out of us like sweat. Speaking of sweat look at this!?!I think this is the 3rd straight week of 30+ weather!?! It's too freak'in hot here! Everyone seems to have air conditioning so I hate those people. Curse them and their perfectly climate controlled domains! Oh well, to my own domain, we finally got grass in our back yard and it is such an improvement. I know people talk about how homes are "money pits", but I'm more concerned about how they are "time pits". It takes forever to take care of a house. I wonder if anyone has done a study on how much time an owner of a house spends fixing/repairing their house vs. a renter. I think I could have walked to California, taken acting lessons, waitered for two years and become a famous actor like Brad Pitt in less time than what I've spent on my last two houses. Whatever, fame sucks!

See the transformations below.


House are definitely money/time pits; old or new. You could be like Seth and I and decide to leave it alone even if it means you have stylish black tile to greet people, or red carpet, or green bathrooms...ahh the joys or owning a old house!
Your house looks great inside and out!

wow, guys! The yard looks amazing! Now you have it for the rest of the summer and beyond. Great job.

You might feel overwhelmed with your free time now that you're finished your yard. You can always come and do ours!! Looks great!