Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fall Hiking

While the beginning of a school year is always busy, I was lucky to take a group of students out on a hiking trip as an opening activity for school.  Three days and two nights up at Bovin lake.  It was a great trip and I probably did more hiking in those three days than I did all summer!  It was probably added up to 30ish kilometers over the three days with 4000+ft of gain and loss!  I can't even remember the last time I covered that much ground in so few days.  Perhaps a ski trip into a cabin?  A hellish trip up and down Mount Fable?  Hiking the Chilkoot with Dora?
It was an interesting trip, weather wise as well with snow coming down during the evening.  It didn't stick around, but everyone had ice covering their tents by morning.  Another new development was Denali deciding not to do the day hikes, turning around and hanging out at the camp.  This was a first!  Makes me worry a bit about her age.  The weather during the day was nice warm, a bit windy, but that just makes it feel that much more extreme and really what do you expect for LOMAH?

Regardless, this truly was an enjoyable trip and I can't wait to get the students out again.

Here are a few shots from the trip.

From 2010.09 Bovin Lake Hike

From 2010.09 Bovin Lake Hike

From 2010.09 Bovin Lake Hike

From 2010.09 Bovin Lake Hike