Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Just a quick note to say - Stay Tuned - I have been taking a mom and baby dance class for the past couple of weeks. We have two more classes. I have been meaning to take my camera for a while, so hopefully this will help me remember! So that is what you are staying tuned for, pics of us getting our groove on. Of course it goes without saying that we have a great time and I get sweaty. Which is good, because I need to be in shape. Mom, Eric and I are running in the moonlight run this Saturday. If you could send happy thoughts of good weather (read: no w_nd) it would be much appreciated!!


dancing and running? I'm so there! Can't wait to see pics from _both_ events!

Woohoo! Can't wait for the pictures, it sounds like fun! Sounds like you're in for a great run this weekend -- for last year's moonlight run we were running into a good headwind/blizzardy combination, so I think you'll be loads better off this year! Just the thought of it right now wears me out, so power to you :-) Jaime