Monday, June 07, 2010

The Best of What's Left

Saturday morning... kids awake, check.  Breakfast, check.  Babysitters, check.  Work gloves, check.  Montana bound, check!

With the in-laws willing to watch the boys we headed South, to the other promised land.  As some of you might be aware, we purchased about 3.5 acres of land in Montana, East Glacier Park to be more precise, just off Heart Butte Cutoff.  We haven't been able to make it back since we purchased it back in early March.  It's been killing me!  With the poor weather and work/family/friend commitments we just couldn't make it down.  At last!  A chance to revisit the property and with no snow either!  The drive was delightful and the company exceptional.  After a quick 2hr drive we were there.  With a bit of road negotiation we were able to get Dora's Honda Fit to the property.  Some take-out from the town and a 6 pack and we were picnic ready.
But wait... what was that noise?  Squirrel?  Nope bigger... huh.  Guess I better go take a look.  Definitely not a squirrel, a dog... and it's owners, bushwhacking towards us.  What are the odds that within 10 minutes of arriving we meet our neighbors.  A couple from Florida, they come to East Glacier to work in the Summer.  Oscar  and Aleshia gave us a quick low-down on the other neighbors and were on their way, leaving us with our own "bushwhacking".  Oh and in relation to the posting title.  They said that for them, this area was the best of what's left of the USA.  I have to agree, we're so luck to be so close to this gem.  The USA get's a bad rap sometimes.  Regardless of the politics, the people, the culture, this small spot on the map does it's best to shine bright.   Our diamond in the rough.
From 2010_06 East Glacier Trip

After a couple of hours cutting back the shrubs on what will be our access road, we had 65ft cleared.  Then the real work began... where next?  Dora had one idea, me another.  After a bit of wandering on the land we decided that Dora had the right idea.  We plan on building about 35ft higher up the slope, to gain access to a better view.  I think is standing where the future living room & deck might be.  
From 2010_06 East Glacier Trip
After our quick trim session and the negotiation of cabin site we headed home.  I think we'll head South for another trimming and to see if we can get someone to do some roadwork.  Maybe by the end of the Fall we'll have something to show off!  Stay tuned.
From 2010_06 East Glacier Trip