Thursday, August 05, 2010

Day 11 and 12

With a call to pound and still no Denali we headed out for China Beach. Dora was still quite sad, and I thought we would hear something before we left. The drive out was going fine, then I got a voice mail message. Denali was at the pound! In a way she might enjoy her time away from the kids and she gets 3 walks a day. We would pick her up after our trip.
The trip was extra special because 2 families of friends were joining us, both Mike's. We arrived in the late afternoon to enjoy food and beverage together. Logan and I also did a quick run to the beach to burn off some energy. A quick note... Sites 6 and 7 are too close to the washrooms as the breeze changes directions at night!
The next day we headed to the beach as a group to enjoy some sand and sun. It was kind of crazy to see all the kids, moms and dads rather than the foolish adults we use to be. Apparently we grew up at some point. Heck our parents might even be impressed! We stayed a bit longer at the beach, with Evan having a nap in his kid carrier and Dora and Logan building a sand observatory. Dora said the sand was perfect for building!
Mike and Jenn were off that afternoon, so we had a second night with the Mercier's. It was a nice evening, with a meal of pan-fried sockeye and good conversation. Both boys loved the fish! The only downside to the day was Evans poor sleep. I think he woke everyone in the campground! Good Times!
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